trans talk

It took 35 years before I was ready to begin grappling with my gender identity, and nearly another four to truly accept I was transgender. There's no single path to follow on a journey like this, but I hope sharing my story and struggles might be helpful for others.

I know there are some of you who might not understand what it means to be trans, or might object to my embracing this aspect of myself. I ask you to take the time to at least read my story and my thoughts on what this means for my faith to appreciate where I'm coming from. Thank you for your time!

new to "trans stuff?"

No worries! It has been an educational journey for me too :). If this is a new topic for you, then I recommend starting here:

trans topics 101 »

questions (and attempted answers) on being trans

Here are a bunch of questions I've had myself, been asked by others, or encountered out there in the public domain. I've tried to provide my answers (or the meaningful answers I've found) to these inquiries (select a question to expand it and see the answer):

great external resources

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